прп. Герман Свят. Иоанн Свят. Инокентий Свят. Тихон сщмч. Иувеналий св. мч. Петр

History of St. Knyaz Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church
The first attempt to build a Russian Orthodox Church in Miami was made in 1936. However, due to the inefficient contract the building of the built church remained the private property. That church in the name of John the Baptist stilll exists, but not as the orthodox church.

Russian refugees from the times of the October Revolution of 1917 and the post-war years renewed attempts to build the Orthodox Church in Miami after World War II. At that time, the Ruling bishop of the Eastern America was Archbishop Vitaliy (Maksimenko).

With the help of Archbishop Vitaliy, our parish was founded. In 1947 the church services were performed in the large tent in the uninhabited western part of Miami (one block to the north from Flagler Street.
During 1948 our parishioners K. Razumov, m. Luganskiy, M. Vavilov, O. Kissel, V. Kissel and others were working hard to build the church. In November 1948 Archbishop Nikon sanctified the church and donated the icon of Greatmartyr and Healer Panteleimon to the church. This icon can now be found in the church on the left side from the altar.

Archbishop Vitaliy
Archbishop Nikon
The first rector of the church appointed in July 1948 was Fr. Theodore Rajewski. He continued the construction work. The hall of the church and the house of the priest were built during his service. After the death of his wife, Fr. Theodore became a Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Ouside of Russia. In 1954 he moved to Australia to serve there.

The second rector of the church was Fr. Paul Shamilsky.
After the death of Fr. Paul in 1955, Fr. Eugene Selitsky was the rector of the church until 1975. During the time of his service the main part of the church building was extended, and the iconographer Cyprian from Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY painted the church.

The Theatre Group of Russian Midgets had a special role in the history of our church. When World War II began, the paricipants of the group came to Miami. Ivan and Pelageya Velikanoff, Vasiliy and Maria Fillin after many years of serving in the church altar and singing in the choir gave their property to the parish to financially support the church and the family of the priest.

Также можно упомянуть Дарью Серегину, русскую женщину, которая в 1917 году перенесла убийство троих своих малых детей от руки красноармейцев. Убиты они были за исповедание своей веры.
Our parishioner Aleksey Deldin was the descendent of the Dutch shipbuilder who came to Russia during the times of Peter I.

Fr. Theodore Rajewski
Fr. Theodore with his wife
Construction work at the church
Fr. Eugene and Maria Fillina
Fr. Eugene with parishioners
"Royal" midgets
From 1975 and until his death in 1988 the rector of the church was Archimandrite Victor Jankovich. Then, for one year the rector was Fr. Raphael Renzenick.
Since 1989 the rector of St. Vladimir Church has been Fr. Daniel McKenzie.
He is also serving liturgy from time to time in Key West and Nassau for Russian Orthodox people.
Since 1994, Fr. Daniel upon request from Aleksandr and Nikolai Zakharov has been serving twice a year in San Jose, Costa Rica. In 2006 this parish received a special status, purchased land for building a church and served its first Easter in the tent.
St. Vladimir Church provides special assistance to the Orthodox churches of Haiti. Fr. Daniel is the head of the Haiti Orthodox Mission.
St. Vladimir Church's parishioners are mostly comprised of Russian immigrants living in Southern Florida. They filled our church, organized sisterhood, founded the church school, and support the church in every way they can.

Fr. Daniel with his family

Fr. Daniel with parishioners

Fr. Daniel with Key West parish

Fr. Daniel in Costa Rica
Fr. Daniel with Haiti Mission